No madness here, just gladness. On March 16 we’re heading for record-setting morning Bible Study att …
Join Us for March Gladness
No madness here, just gladness. On March 16 we’re heading for record-setting morning Bible Study attendance, elevating worship, and some great game day snacks, plus a free gift for everyone attending.
Make sure you’re part of the winning team by attending Bible study at 9:00 that morning.
Women, we’re heading to Aspire, a national women’s event on March 29 from 6-9 p.m. at Covenant Congr …
Join Us for Aspire on March 29
Women, we’re heading to Aspire, a national women’s event on March 29 from 6-9 p.m. at Covenant Congregational Church in Easton. The cost will be $25.00 for an evening of laughter, Bible teaching, and worship.
Plan to leave winter behind and start the Spring with women of the church as we take the short trip over to Covenant Congregational to enjoy an encouraging and uplifting evening together.
Tickets are $25.00. Registration begins on February 9.
Join dozens of church families as they prayer walk their neighborhoods on the first Saturdays of Apr …
Prayer Walk Your Neighborhood this Spring
Join dozens of church families as they prayer walk their neighborhoods on the first Saturdays of April, May, and June. Families can walk by themselves, or, better yet, team up with another family to walk each of your neighborhoods.
We’ll have an explanation of how to prayer walk this on Sunday, March 9 after worship, and on Saturday, March 15 at 9:30 a.m. Sign up for either time (only one needed) to let us know you will be walking with us.
Children &Youth
We care about you and your family. We love teaching God’s word. Our staff and volunteer leaders can't wait to welcome your kids to our safe, secure, age-appropriate program.