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Here are just a few recent outreach and ministry events we’ve held or been involved in.


Family Fun in the Park

The church provided inflatables, games, food, and face painting for children at Puglio Park in Bridgeport.



Neighborhood cleanup

We assisted a sister Baptist church in cleaning up a neighborhood in Bridgeport where they minister.



Lending a hand at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission

Some of our men assembled and installed benches on the BRM property so those waiting for assistance could have a place to sit down.



Helping out at a local Family Ministry Center

Our teenagers helped sort and organize clothes to be given out at an area shelter.



Creating Christmas gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child

Our 1st-5th graders packed some shoeboxes with Christmas gifts for children who otherwise would have no Christmas gifts. These were delivered to Operation Christmas Child to be taken to places in the world where children are suffering the most.




Adults and teenagers have assisted the Bridgeport Rescue Mission by standing outside the Bridgeport Stop and Shop one day in the summer, and encouraging people to purchase and donate non-perishable food items for the Mission’s food pantry ministry. The stuff the donated food into the back of a truck where it will take a ride to the Mission’s food distribution center.

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