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According to Jesus himself, he came on a rescue mission for the whole world. We’ll discover what he came to save the world from, and why that reason is personally important to each of us.

It’s the Christmas season, a time to celebrate Jesus’ coming to earth. Naturally, the question is, why did he come? That’s a question he answered. This week we’ll look at the first of four reasons Jesus gave for his coming. He came to give us life, and give it abundantly. What does that mean? Does it matter to us personally? Those are the questions we’ll try to answer in this message.

In Luke 19:10 Jesus tells us another reason he came to earth: to seek and to save that which was lost. Jesus revealed this mission as some criticized him for associating with sinners. Sinners, those who are spiritually lost, are just the people Jesus came for. He came to find them and save them. As we’ll see, that includes all of us, since the Bible tells us that we are all sinners. How Jesus seeks lost people like us today, how he saves us, and what he saves us from are important questions we’ll answer.

In this third message on Why Jesus Came, In His Own Word, Jesus tells us he came as light into the world. Clearly he was speaking figuratively, but what did he mean? What is important about this reason for his coming? What difference does it make, especially for us? These are questions that will occupy our attention in this message.

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