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North Park Baptist Church began in 1975 with two couples who wanted to see a Biblically conservative church that spoke to today’s needs started in the greater Bridgeport area. Initially meeting in Holland Hill Elementary School in Fairfield, the church built, then moved to, its own building on the Bridgeport-Fairfield town line in 1985. North Park Baptist Church reflects some of the ethnic diversity of our area. We seek to bring all people into new life through Christ and incorporate them into one body, the church, regardless of background, culture, or ethnicity.


We are associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Baptist Convention of New England,
and the Connecticut Baptist Association..



Our Mission



Love God above all and others as ourselves

Actively serve God and others
Reach those who are not yet born-again followers of Jesus.




Our Values

The Good News of Jesus

The best news ever told on earth is the good news of Jesus who came from heaven to earth, became a man, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead so that we could be saved from our sins, enjoy a personal relationship with God, and have a home in heaven forever. We believe all people everywhere need to hear this good news so they can believe in Jesus, be saved, enjoy a personal relationship with God and have a home in heaven for eternity. We value sharing this good news with people above everything else that we do.

Love for One Another

Jesus said the visible sign of being a follower of him is our love for each other. We put a high value on being a loving congregation and guard against anything that threatens that love. We want every person who attends North Park Church to know this is a place they can be loved.

Ethnic & Cultural Diversity

We value being a church that embraces and includes people from all cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. We believe this is the kind of church Jesus died to create, and we are committed to continuing to be a church where people from all cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds feel welcome and equally valued.

Doing the Christian Life Together

The Christian life is meant to be lived out in a family or community of believers, not in isolation. We urge our members to grow, serve, and reach out to others alongside of other believers, and we structure our ministries to encourage this mutual support and interaction, doing the Christian life together.




Our Beliefs

North Park Baptist Church is a theologically conservative, Bible-based church. Some of our core beliefs are:


We believe that God has an enormous, unconditional love for us as His creatures. He is one God existing in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is holy and perfect in every way.


We believe that all of us have fallen short of God’s standard for our lives, and have rejected God’s authority over us. This rebellion, or sin, has alien­ated us from God and caused us to suffer broken relation­ships with God and with other people.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is fully God and fully human. He is the only one who is able to re­store us to a right relationship with God. We be­lieve that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose literally from the dead. He as­cended to heaven where He is waiting to someday return to earth.


We believe that people are given new life by the Holy Spirit when they put their trust in Jesus Christ alone to save them from their sins and restore them to a right re­lation­ship with God. When a person does this, the Holy Spirit comes to live in his/her life, bringing with Him the power to transform life and make him/her more and more like God’s model: His Son, Jesus.


We believe that the Bible is God’s revelation to us of Himself, His plan for the world, and His plan for our lives. It is without error, and is our final authority for teaching, practice, and daily life. We must learn it and live by its commandments and principles.


A complete description of our beliefs can be found in The Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 to which we subscribe.

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